Joseph Calleja Winter Concert

by Giuseppe Verdi

Malta Philarmonic Orchestra

Teatru Manoel, Valletta
  • December 2018
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours
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Joseph Calleja Winter Concert


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The Composition

È strano! È strano!... Ah forse lui... Sempre libera

Libretto written in italian by Francesco Maria Piave, was first premiered on a Sunday on March 06 of 1853
È strano! È strano! in core scolpiti ho quegli accenti! Sarìa per me sventura un serio amore? Che risolvi, o turbata anima mia? Null'uomo ancora t'accendeva. Oh, gioia ch'io non conobbi esser amata amando! E sdegnarla poss'io per l'aride follie dei viver mio? Ah, fors'è lui che l'anima solinga ne' tumulti godea sovente pingere de' suoi colori occulti. Lui, che modesto e vigile all'egre soglie ascese, e nuova febbre accese destandomi all'amor! A quell'amor ch'è palpito dell'universo intero, misterioso, altero, croce e delizia al cor. Follie! Delirio vano è questo! Povera donna, sola, abbandonata in questo popoloso deserto che appellano Parigi che spero or'più? Che far degg'io? Gioire! Di voluttà ne' vortici perir! Gioir'! Sempre libera degg'io folleggiare di gioia in gioia vo' che scorra il viver mio pei sentieri del piacer nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia sempre lieta ne' ritrovi a diletti sempre nuovi dee volare il mio pensier Follie! Follie delirio vano e' questo! Povera donna, sola, abbandonata in questo popoloso deserto che appellano Parigi che spero or' piu'? che far degg'io! Gioire! Di volutta' nei vortici perire. Sempre libera degg'io folleggiare di gioia in gioia vo' che scorra il viver mio pei sentieri del piacer nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia sempre lieta ne' ritrovi a diletti sempre nuovi dee volare il mio pensier

Giuseppe Verdi

Short biography of the composer
Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (9 or 10 October 1813 – 27 January 1901) was an Italian opera composer. Verdi was born near Busseto to a provincial family of moderate means, and developed a musical education with the help of a local patron. Verdi came to dominate the Italian opera scene after the era of Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini, whose works significantly influenced him, becoming one of the pre-eminent opera composers in history. In his early operas Verdi demonstrated a sympathy with the Risorgimento movement which sought the unification of Italy. He also participated briefly as an elected politician. The chorus "Va, pensiero" from his early opera Nabucco (1842), and similar choruses in later operas, were much in the spirit of the unification movement, and the composer himself became esteemed as a representative of these ideals. An intensely private person, Verdi however did not seek to ingratiate himself with popular movements and as he became professionally successful was able to reduce his operatic workload and sought to establish himself as a landowner in his native region. He surprised the musical world by returning, after his success with the opera Aida (1871), with three late masterpieces: his Requiem (1874), and the operas Otello (1887) and Falstaff (1893). His operas remain extremely popular, especially the three peaks of his 'middle period': Rigoletto, Il trovatore and La traviata, and the bicentenary of his birth in 2013 was widely celebrated in broadcasts and performances.


General Management

Ariosi Management

Alessandro Ariosi

Press and Public Relations

Fidelio Artists

Ph. +34 616 76 08 66