Linda di Chamounix

by Gaetano Donizetti

Opera di Firenze
Opera di Firenze

Florence, Italy
  • January 2021
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours

When Donizetti composed Linda di Chamounix in 1841, his name was internationally famous, so much so that in Vienna he was commissioned to perform the opera that would have represented the most important of the program of the Porta Carinzia Theater of that Season. The subject, put into verse by Gaetano Rossi, is inspired by the Grâce de Dieu ou la nouvelle Fanchon by Adolphe d'Ennery and Gustave Lemoine, a rather unlikely feuilleton even to Donizetti but which is perfectly suited to its purpose: to please the Habsburg court with a work devoid of political implications but based exclusively on good feelings and the celebration of the virtue of the protagonist. Linda di Chamounix is ​​a semi-serious work, a genre that mixes, between pathos and irony, elements and characters characteristic of the two major genres with the inevitable happy ending. At the center of the action is a beautiful and virtuous girl, Linda, in love with Viscount Charles but threatened by his uncle, the Marquis of Boisfleury. As tradition has it, there is are misunderstandings, acknowledgments and twists (among them also a scene of madness, a Donizetti specialty), but in the end, as the saying goes, "all is well that ends well" and the peace found among the two young people reunited joyfully closes the opera.

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Linda di Chamounix


Press & Reviews
Gilberto Mion
Una Jessica Pratt tenera e avvincente inaugura in streaming con “Linda di Chamounix” la Stagione del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
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A cominciar dalla ragguardevole presenza di Jessica Pratt, che delinea una Linda dal profilo tenero ed avvincente: morbida nel tessuto vocale, prodiga di sfumature, incantevole nell'eloquio melodico, sempre scintillante negli acuti e nitida nelle colorature. Scorgiamo qualche esitazione nella celebre tyrolienne d'ingresso “O luce di quest'anima”, vera e propria cabaletta; subito però la sua prestazione prende le ali, in un crescendo inarrestabile che sfocia in una superba resa della scena della pazzia – molto diversa da altre scritte da Donizetti - dove centra tutto il possibile. Senza enfasi teatrale, senza una svista vocale, veleggiando soave sul versante più lirico.
Francesco Lora
Porta socchiusa su Linda
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Jessica Pratt, nella parte eponima, è un lampasso di seta a ogni tornitura di frase e un diamante all’interpolazione di ogni nota sopracuta; possiede il segreto della vera primadonna romantica all’italiana: quanto più esibisce risorse sovrumane, tanto più sa apparire cordiale, radiosa, virginale, semplice, come se tanto bendidìo fosse un’ovvietà.
Connessi all'opera
Giancarlo Arnaboldi
Firenze, Teatro del Maggio – Linda di Chamounix
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Jessica Pratt ha tutto per essere vocalmente una Linda eccezionale. Bel legato, sopracuti limpidi e fiammeggianti, dizione accurata. Eseguendo per esteso la scena della pazzia (che Donizetti considerava fra le migliori che avesse mai composto), compresa la sensazionale cavatina presente nell’edizione viennese “Nel silenzio della sera” di solito tagliata nelle esecuzioni tradizionali, raggiunge vertici espressivi commoventi.
Fabrizio Moschini
Firenze - Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino: Linda di Chamounix
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Nel pieno della sua maturità artistica, Jessica Pratt possiede uno strumento che negli anni è irrobustito al centro senza perdere niente dell'estrema facilità con cui si sale fino ad emettere spettacolari acuti e sovracuti, tutti ben sostenuti e penetranti...anche la personalità interpretativa del soprano australiano si è affinata con il tempo e il fraseggio è sempre stato di rango, qui particolarmente eloquente nei duetti. La scena della pazzia è sobria e intensa al tempo stesso, senza divistici eccessi temperamentali, ma con puntuali e pirotecniche variazioni nella ripresa.

The Composition

Linda di Chamounix

Libretto written in italian by Gaetano Rossi, was first premiered on a Wednesday on May 18 of 1842

Gaetano Donizetti

Short biography of the composer
Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti (29 November 1797 – 8 April 1848) along with Gioachino Rossini and Vincenzo Bellini, was a leading composer of the bel canto opera style during the first half of the nineteenth century. Born in Bergamo in Lombardy, was taken, at an early age, under the wing of composer Simon Mayr who had enrolled him by means of a full scholarship. Mayr was also instrumental in obtaining a place for the young man at the Bologna Academy, where, at the age of 19, he wrote his first one-act opera, the comedy Il Pigmalione. Over the course of his career, Donizetti wrote almost 70 operas. An offer in 1822 from Domenico Barbaja, the impresario of the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, which followed the composer's ninth opera, led to his move to that city and his residency there which lasted until the production of Caterina Cornaro in January 1844. In all, Naples presented 51 of Donizetti's operas. Before 1830, success came primarily with his comic operas, the serious ones failing to attract significant audiences. However, his first notable success came with an opera seria, Zoraida di Granata, which was presented in 1822 in Rome. In 1830, when Anna Bolena was premiered, Donizetti made a major impact on the Italian and international opera scene and this shifted the balance of success away from primarily comedic operas, although even after that date, his best-known works included comedies such as L'elisir d'amore (1832) and Don Pasquale (1843). Significant historical dramas did appear and became successful; they included Lucia di Lammermoor (the first to have a libretto written by Salvatore Cammarano) given in Naples in 1835, and one of the most successful Neapolitan operas, Roberto Devereux in 1837. Up to that point, all of his operas had been set to Italian libretti. Donizetti found himself increasingly chafing against the censorial limitations which existed in Italy (and especially in Naples). From about 1836, he became interested in working in Paris, where he saw much greater freedom to choose subject matter, in addition to receiving larger fees and greater prestige. From 1838 onward, with an offer from the Paris Opéra for two new works, he spent a considerable period of the following ten years in that city, and set several operas to French texts as well as overseeing staging of his Italian works. The first opera was a French version of the then-unperformed Poliuto which, in April 1840, was revised to become Les martyrs. Two new operas were also given in Paris at that time. As the 1840s progressed, Donizetti moved regularly between Naples, Rome, Paris, and Vienna continuing to compose and stage his own operas as well as those of other composers. But from around 1843, severe illness began to take hold and to limit his activities. Eventually, by early 1846 he was obliged to be confined to an institution for the mentally ill and, by late 1847, friends had him moved back to Bergamo, where he died in April 1848.
Jessica has also performed in the following operas from the same composer:

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Ariosi Management

Alessandro Ariosi

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Fidelio Artists

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