Connessi all'opera
Giancarlo Arnaboldi
Firenze, Teatro del Maggio – Linda di Chamounix
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Opera di Firenze.
Not available in English
Jessica Pratt ha tutto per essere vocalmente una Linda eccezionale. Bel legato, sopracuti limpidi e fiammeggianti, dizione accurata. Eseguendo per esteso la scena della pazzia (che Donizetti considerava fra le migliori che avesse mai composto), compresa la sensazionale cavatina presente nell’edizione viennese “Nel silenzio della sera” di solito tagliata nelle esecuzioni tradizionali, raggiunge vertici espressivi commoventi.
Corriere della sera
Jessica Pratt, crazy and in love
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.
In love and lost in the twists and turns of her mind but ultimately determined to achieve a radiant destiny of love: Jessica Pratt's talent shone on the stage of the Teatro dell'Opera of Rome in the title role of Linda di Chamounix by Gaetano Donizetti, in a mise en scène by Spanish director Emilio Sagi, with performances running through the 28th of June. After Bernstein's Candide in 2014 and last season's Lucia di Lammermoor, the Anglo-Australian soprano lent her voice and soul to the delineation of a complex and fascinating character, imbued with emotional contrasts and significant frailties: an unforgettable heroine whom the artist was able to bring to life in front of an audience filled to capacity, which rewarded her with enthusiastic applause
Francesco Rapaccioni
Linda, rare and superb
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.
Jessica Pratt's musical line is luminous and her musicianship excellent: her Linda displays virtuosismo with no difficulty whatsoever, with chiseled and round extreme high notes while still maintaining a good expressivity and investing her character with a true human nature (particularly convincing were the duet with the Marquis in Act II and the final reconciliation with her beloved Carlo), with a singing that remains creamy even in the coloratura
La voce d'Italia
Claudio Listanti
Linda di Chamounix sweetness and melancholy
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.
a cast of undisputed quality where above everyone else towered the voice of Jessica Pratt, a singer gifted with a remarkable vocal technique showing a definite predisposition, albeit not preponderantly so, to vocal fireworks enabling her to effortlessly overcome the hurdles of a role written for one of the most celebrated singers of the time, Eugenia Tadolini.
la Repubblica
Dino Villatico
Sober tones for a semi serious Donizetti
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.
But above everyone else towers Jessica Pratt, of whom one does not know which to admire more, the precision of her performance or the warmth of her interpretation. This while displaying an always flawless, extraordinary mastery of her instrument. She received an ovation, a true triumph
Francesco Lora
Porta socchiusa su Linda
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Opera di Firenze.
Not available in English
Jessica Pratt, nella parte eponima, è un lampasso di seta a ogni tornitura di frase e un diamante all’interpolazione di ogni nota sopracuta; possiede il segreto della vera primadonna romantica all’italiana: quanto più esibisce risorse sovrumane, tanto più sa apparire cordiale, radiosa, virginale, semplice, come se tanto bendidìo fosse un’ovvietà.
Fabiana Raponi
"Linda di Chamounix" by Donizetti, the triumph of bel canto at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma A success at the Costanzi with a perfect Jessica Pratt in the title role and a great cast.
This review refers to Linda di Chamounix at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.
A fabulous Jessica Pratt, the Lucia in the Ronconi production of 2015, towers above everyone: she is at all times irreproachable, rich with colours, nuances, showing no hesitation whatsoever.