
by Gioacchino Rossini

Opéra de Lausanne http://www.opera-lausanne.ch/en/home.html

  • Conductor Dantone
  • Director Emilio Sagi
  • March 2015
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours
  • March 2015
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours
  • March 2015
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours
  • March 2015
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours
  • March 2015
    20:00 > 23:00
    3 hours
Find out more about the Cast , the Composition , the Composer



Press & Reviews

Les arts 2016/2017: Tancredi (Barcellona-Pratt-Shi-Spagnoli; Sagi_Abbado)
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
Jessica Pratt, the english soprano (Bristol 1979), living in Australia, who is becoming one of todays reference "belcantista", sang Amenaide, challenging such an inspired Barcelona, and offering us an extraordinary replica that has suspended the physical sensation of space and time, during the second act, with her aria "che Dio Giusto adorano umile". Pratt has a beautiful, clear and penetrating light soprano lyrical voice, both on the high and extremely high registry, of explosive precision. But what I liked most about her performance was in fact this dominion of the voice and of the audience. Only the greatest artists are able to impose the silence. That silence that is overwhelmingly noticeable when a singer distributes pauses to a theater absolutely at it's feet. She did it with great sensibility, with careful and clear musicality, with a dazzling technique, with ornaments, trills and scales at the service of emotions. Stratospheric in the duets with Tancredi, in a joyous alternation of beauty at the service of singing. Belcanto, the most pure, the most beautiful.
Atticus's Blog
"TANCREDI" (Gioachino Rossini) - Palau de les Arts - 06/23/17
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
...yesterday even more so, the exhibition of Belcanto in it's purest form, offered by Jessica Pratt, was sublime. It was the first time that the soprano rose to the main stage of "Les Artes" to sing an opera, after the brief appearance in the infamous auditorium in 2015 in Mozart's Davidde Penitente, from which we had good impressions, but nothing compared to the master lesson of last night. Jessica Pratt dazzled us with a spectacular vocal brilliance, an uncontested dominance of the upper range and an exquisite and polished vocal line, producing delicate and ethereal sounds without loosing body or presence. A refined singing, adorned with elegant control (sensational, for example, the pianissimi in Giusto Dio che umile adoro); an uncontaminated coloratura in which every note is placed with perfect refinement; every mordente; every trill; every picchiettato; every detail of the score was perfectly heard, transformed in those celestial sounds that the Australian soprano offered us yesterday.
Laura Servidei
Rossini triumphant: Daniela Barcellona heads a stylish and emotional Tancredi in Valencia
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
Amenaide, sung by Jessica Pratt, is a more ethereal creature, overwhelmed by events. She is unable to navigate through them, to the point that, somehow, she fails to explain herself to Tancredi and convince him she didn't betray him. Pratt's voice was in excellent form, and it had exactly the right features for Amenaide: a somewhat cold brightness and purity, strong and powerful high notes, with precision and agility in the coloratura, which turned almost Queen of the Night-ish. All this contributed to a convincing, three-dimensional character, whose innocence shone like a diamond against everybody's accusations and doubts. Her high notes were truly spectacular, and her interpretation moving and emotional. Her Act 2 aria and cabaletta were a true journey into Amenaide's soul, where Pratt led us through pain and desperation to hope and joy.

el Periodico - EFE
Joan Castelló
Daniela Barcellona and Jessica Pratt, an almost perfect pair for "Tancredi"
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
The excellent performance of both the mezzo Barcellona and soprano Pratt add to the brave and passioned musical direction of Roberto Abbado... No less the British soprano Jessica Pratt with a captivating voice and a prodigious agility, has played an Amenaide that fights against adversities... Pratt clearly obtained the favor of the public with the virtuosity with which she sang arias and cavatinas such as "No, che il morir non è", in addition to beautiful duets with Daniela Barcellona. The two protagonists fought the brass with courage, since their respective scores are of a great vocal exigency. They offered evocative moments in which, above all, they emphasized the beauty of their voices.
Diari La Veu
Sixto Ferrero
Les Arts' Tancredi overcomes accidents and scenes
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
Soprano Jessica Pratt had already given us a small taste of her capabilities, two years ago, in a brief appearance for Mozart's Davidde Penitente. Friday she assumed the role of Amenaide and did it with an homogeneous timbre over the whole vocal register and with a projected vocal position. The English soprano received one of the loudest ovations before the curtain call and maintained the quality throughout the opera, refining arias of extreme difficulty with emphasis and elegance. Should we make a ranking, now that the season is ending, Pratt is without any doubt, the great triumpher.
Valencia Plaza
Rosa Solà
The voice, what an unreplaceble value
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
...[Jessica Pratt] soon took the reins, and challenged with drama and credibility the dreadful demands that Rossini poses. Agilities overcome without problems, same for the legati. Together with Barcellona they navigated through the most agitated parts as the most poetic ones. In short: the public enjoyed two accomplished artists who unite an impeccable technique to the deep knowledge of the Rossinian language.

El Cultural
Arturo Reverter
Tancredi, a first-time Rossini at the Palau
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
Amenaide is the fresh and young Jessica Pratt, with silvery voice, and easy coloratura.
Platea Magazine
Alejandro Martínez
Rossini's "Tancredi" closes the 16/17 season of the Palau des Artes
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
...at her side shined, Jessica Pratt's Amenaide, a singer that convinces from every point of view with her technical competence with which she administers her instrument. On the line of Mariella Devia, the Australian soprano offers a pure emission and a clear and precise singing...
Antonio Gómez Schneekloth
An exquisite season finale
This review refers to Tancredi at Palau de les Artes.
It was a moment of great emotional depth by Daniela Barcellona (Tancredi) and a superb Jessica Pratt (Amenaide), emphasized by the orchestra and its director Roberto Abbado with an impressive piano that led to silence, namely death.

The Composition


Libretto written in italian by Gaetano Rossi, was first premiered on a Saturday on February 06 of 1813
Jessica has already performed in this opera for:

Gioacchino Rossini

Short biography of the composer
Gioachino Antonio Rossini (29 February 1792 – 13 November 1868) was an Italian composer who wrote 39 operas as well as sacred music, chamber music, songs, and some instrumental and piano pieces. His best-known operas include the Italian comedies Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville) and La Cenerentola (Cinderella), and the French-language epics Moïse et Pharaon and Guillaume Tell (William Tell). A tendency for inspired, song-like melodies is evident throughout his scores, which led to the nickname "The Italian Mozart". Until his retirement in 1829, Rossini had been the most popular opera composer in history. He is quoted as joking, "Give me the laundress' bill and I will even set that to music."

General Management

Ariosi Management

Alessandro Ariosi

Press and Public Relations

Fidelio Artists

Ph. +34 616 76 08 66